Time of Transition
The first interview goes well. We meet for two hours in LM’s studio, sharing an orange essence dark chocolate bar and taking turns talking into the tape recorder. Her work and life are so personal, it behooves me to exclude any details about it here. Suffice it to say that her project is profound and worth writing about. In fact, she deserves truckloads of recognition for this particular series and if this 3,000 words does anything for her, I hope it is just that. The editor has informed me that the Spring issue will be distributed by mail in March, and make it’s debut at the SGC conference in March, shared with all participants, curators, and presenters.
And this is how time moves forward. I’ve officially exited from vacationland and am gearing up for the writing and the residency again. Today I made lists of things to do for the first time in two weeks – a sure sign of entering a high-productivity mode. So what will the New Year bring? What resolutions are calling attention to themselves? I’ll have to ponder this tomorrow.
I know the blogs have lacked narrative flow lately. Living at my parents’ house for the holidays and not having a tight schedule (no work) lends itself to a loose lifestyle. It’s good for me to kick back like that every once in a while, but it’s not where I do my most creative work. I’m eager to get back into it and this work with LM is just the kick I needed.
For now, one day at a time. Today: one interview down, cleaned half of my house to shut it down for the winter, added two more pages tomy website, helped my parents move more boxes and unpack into the new house, and studied the history of etching. Tomorrow: meditate on resolutions, conduct the second interview and type the transcripts, start painting the inside of the neighbor’s house, clean the other half of my house to shut it down for the winter, take the night off and have a blast!