As Joe Would Say: “Hella productive day.”
Submit to Narrative. Check.
Submit to McSweeney’s, Graywolf. Check, check.
Submit to The Gettysburg Review, both fiction and non. Double check.
Submit to Glamour’s “Real Life Story” contest (why not?). Surprise! Check.
Write the art essay for the museum in Puerto Rico – check.
Send 3rd version of Arts Writers Grant application answers to three super-pro artsy friends to critique and scribble all over. Triple check.
Reschedule one artist interview, add another interview, and start email interviews with the others. Check, check, check.
Put every potion ever made on my knees. Do not practice karate kicks even though I’m doing them in my sleep, inadvertently. Take Uncle Marky’s advice about life and love, call Mom to ask how her day was (and don’t settle for a short answer), call Dad about the downed buckeye tree, step out onto the porch at least six times and appreciate the fall air. Thank Claire for the rec letter, thank Joe and Dorianne for coming to this weekend’s literary festival, call Lindsay, Veva, and Kyle. Universal check.
Wow. You’re kinda inspring :p