Fundraising Update: Week One

It’s the end of our first fundraising week for Lost Crossings and we have raised $285. I have four emails in our inbox promising donations from upper ranking staff members at the craft school, and I do believe that they’ll donate but I’m not fool enough to count those dollars until I see them. Three cheers for TERRY’S KWIK LUBE in downtown Bakersville for being the first, and perhaps the only, business to donate at the Friend level (or as he put it, “Well kid, I thought I’d give a fifty spot,”).

I will say this: Checking my mail this week was pure joy! A rejection letter from The Gettysburg Review? Oh well, what’s this – another check for Lost Crossings? Indeed. A rejection letter from Green Mountains Review (albeit a personalized one, which is good) – no worries. What do I see here? Another letter, this from a friend, who writes, “For the cause!” and I know he means it.

Two hundred eighty five dollars. 2. 8. 5. D-O-L-L-A-R-S. 285 buckaroos. Almost 300 fat ones. (I’m trying to make it stretch.) It’s not much, but every bit counts and it makes Lost Crossings that much more real. Here’s to fantastic fundraising in week number two!

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