Two New Articles
I know that I need to update my website, but somehow the trail has wooed me more than the desk this week, and so it is. A proper update will occur within a week’s time. For now, suffice it to say that I had to things published today: the first an article I’m proud of for the fact that it represents my deepening connections with crafts in this region, and the second because it represents a goal achieved. Over a year ago I told my editor in chief at Silk Road that I would, someway and somehow, get an interview with author Dinty W. Moore for our website. Dinty is, in my opinion, one of the top ten cutting edge creative nonfiction writers in America today. Others came before him, but he’s arrived where he is by hard work and brains and wit, and it was an honor to interview him. The links follow:
A craft article: On the Shoulders of Giants.
Silk Road: Interview with Dinty W. Moore.