Weekend Warrior
It’s another slam-dunk weekend at Pizzart and we’re having a blast. Yes, there are anxious moments. Yes, we are understaffed. But yes, the community is supporting us and yes, the owner is incredibly low-key about everything, and yes, I seem to be getting my rhythm back as a waitress.
In the meantime, what has been disrupted is my writing rhythm. I’m still plugging away at the fiction, but only in short bursts rather than long love affairs. My freelance work is piling up, with a slough if things I must complete before heading to Alaska. My commitment to current events has waned and my reading pace has been cut by about 75%.
All of this, I suppose, is the reality of making ends meet. When work comes your way that’s a worthwhile fit for your skills and time, you take it. The rest of your life gets figured out later. I know that if I want to be a full-time self-employed writer that it will take a number of years of this back and forth. Or at least enough side gigs to help me build up a savings again.
Birding: The tickets have been successfully purchased. Counting down 90 days until October 9th.
Writing news flash: No from Penn State Altoona (1 semester nonfiction emerging writer residency) but a little bite of interest from UCLA, who says they find my qualifications compelling and will keep me on file for consideration in the summer 2010 teaching pool (this is for online courses). They said to nag them again in November, when they’ll be hiring for that time of year.
Stats: 3 miles = 29 min 25 sec