The Writer-in-Residence Cabin
For the first time since October (when I sold all my furniture), I now have a table to eat breakfast at.
For the first time since November (when I moved all my clothes into duffel bags), I have unpacked into a closet and dresser.
For the first time since December 18th I am sleeping alone in an empty house (prior to that, of course, I’d been living alone for 4+ years and therefore, uh, quite accustomed to privacy).
For the first time since I started planning this entire “two years on the road,” it struck me how many good people I have really left in North Carolina. It was putting pictures of my friends up on my fridge and unpacking their handmade pottery that finally did it.
As a part of my stay, I receive room, board, and a stipend. Today I moved into L-2, a nice little cabin along a side path of the campus. It’s just a short jaunt to “The Shed” (workout gym) and The Writing House (my office and classroom).
Tomorrow I plan class, get keys, figure out where my parking spot is, and read up on the campus dress code (yipes!).
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Lucky you don't have to wear the summer uniform that includes knickers!
I am enjoying seeing Interlochen (again) for the "first time" through your eyes and words. And yes, you may have to get a pair of "knickers" for the summer unitform. Unless you are British, and then you already own several pairs.
I see Joy's tumbler on your counter. Even though you miss us in NC, you can *choose* who to have breakfast with whnen you pick your morning mug.