No from Wurlizter Foundation (3-month residency in Taos, NM). Nearing the final decisions from Fishtrap 2011 WIR position and I’m still in the running (eastern Oregon). Re-applied to Vermont Studio Center full fellowship. New application to Headlands (2-month residency, outside San Fran).
No from Brevity. No from New Ohio Review. Made to second round of cuts for Calyx. Waiting to hear from The Normal School, Greensboro Awards, NPR 3-Minute Fiction Contest, Creative Nonfiction, Third Coast, 7th Glass Woman Prize, Press 53 Open Awards, Quick Fiction, Frag Lit, Electric Literature, and Memoir (and). Newly published pieces in Surface Design Journal and Driftwood (out this month!).
Since my last report, add River Notes by Barry Lopez, Harbor by Loraine Adams, House of Fields by Anne-Marie Oomen, and As if We Were Prey by Michael Delp.
Current percentage of monthly income going to student loans: 30%
Current percentage of time at the desk going strictly to being an editor: 22%
Average number of miles run per week on the treadmill for the last 3 weeks: 32
Average number of cookies I eat in my imagination each day: 14
Actual number of cookies I ate last week: [censored for protection of the artist]