AK 2010, Day 4: Settling in Fairbanks
Here’s where KB and I will write, read, relax, yoga, wine, and dine for the next two weeks…
The cabin! (Solar powered, drain sink but no running water, funky but functional bedding, pots and pans, 3 woodstoves, 2 lofts, odds & ends from around the world.)
The sauna! (Also known as the “shower,” best view of the pond, deck for sunning/reading/drying off/being.)
Rainwater system! (Drinking water comes from elsewhere, hand-carried through the woods.)
Cold storage! (Note the veggies, which a neighbor 2 miles away gave to us this afternoon. The kale was 4 feet tall; lettuce the size of toddlers.)
The throne! (Self-explanatory.)
The desk! (Most important.)