Advanced Reader Copies Arrive! [Video]

It lives! Ladies and gentlemen, the Advanced Reader Copies of Flashes of War are being sent to reviewers as we speak. Cross your fingers and toes for me, as this little pea makes its way into the big, bold, literary world of reviews. With your good energy and some strong PR, I think Flashes will have a fighting chance on the book stands. Yes, yes I do.

Getting the ARCs is one step closer to Book Land (kind of like Candyland, come to think of it), and because my publisher is kind and fantastic, he also sent me two of the ARCs to keep for myself. It’s quite a thrill to hold it in my hands and see it in print. And even more thrilling to catch that last typo or two before the final version goes to press. But I don’t think anyone was as excited about getting the ARCs as my parents, who are visiting today to attend my public reading at Randolph College. Here they are, getting their introduction to their first “grandchild,” also known as, my first book:

Showing 3 comments
  • Bahrain Today

    I just called Horizon Books in Traverse City, Mi, to see if they had a copy! Can't wait to hear back. From Lynn Troutman, aka Carola's sister.

  • Katey Schultz

    Copies will be available May 27th! Thanks so much for calling Horizon! I would love to have my book in their store. The copy of the book you see in this video is called the ARC, the adavanced reader copy. It's for reviewers. Thanks so much, Lynn!

  • Kyle Lang

    I love that the video ends with your dad saying, "Ok. Feed us." It made me laugh out loud. Congratulations!!!

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