#Airstream Living: Seasonal Master Bedroom

Dear Martha Stewart,

Aren’t you proud? All this on a shoestring…and I’ve quadrupled my bedroom square footage! I personally thought the white Christmas lights were a nice touch at night…And seeing as how I’m recently engaged and my fiance moves in today, we’re quite pleased with the results:

Our new seasonal master bedroom isn’t technically in my Airstream, but in the spirit of Airstream’s founder Wally Byam, this 14′ x 9′ tent on a raised platform complete with nearby campfire ring, outdoor picnic area, and neighboring mountains and streams fits his creed in part: “To place the great wide world at your doorstep for you who yearn to travel with all the comforts of home…to strive endlessly to stir the venturesome spirit that moves you to follow a rainbow to its end and thus make your [travel] dreams come true.” (Read Byam’s full creed here.)
Note the “nightstands” contain Peterson’s field guide to Eastern Birds, Poetry of the Birds anthology, binoculars, tissues, crossword puzzles, and a deck of cards. Side pockets include one headlamp each. Tarps on the left will be hung over the tent extending well beyond the perimeter of the platform to create a dry space for taking off shoes. On the right is a hanging coat rack for essentials moving to and from the master bedroom to the Airstream.
Oh, and there’s even enough space for abs & arms!

We’re not sure where or how we’ll be set up for Fall and Winter (all depending on Brad’s clinical site for grad school), but in the very least it will likely involve some mix of time at his place in rural southwest Virginia and weekends in Celo…with a mutual goal for full-time living in our coveted South Toe Valley in the coming years.

What’s that you say, Martha? You’ve never seen the South Toe River? Tisk, tisk! Consider this your invitation. My tent door is always open! And don’t forget to pack your Crocs for the river!


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