New Fiction + NY Event
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I’m delighted to announce that I have new flash fiction published in Litro Magazine New York. The story, “Immortality,” chronicles a broken-hearted twenty-something’s train ride from Nashville to New Orleans, ending with a surrealist twist–all in a few pages! Please feel free to leave your comments about the story and read it here.
I’m also happy to say that I’ll spend this Tuesday and Wednesay in Binghamton, New York, meeting with the creative writing faculty and students of SUNY-Binghamton. If you live nearby, please join us on Tuesday, March 24th at 8pm on campus for a free public reading. Thanks to poet (and fellow Pacific MFA alum) Abby E. Murray for bringing Flashes of War to the university’s attention. Abby has several chapbooks of poetry, the most recent of which is Quick Draw: Poems from a Soldier’s Wife. Her poems are as honest as they are tightly, gloriously written. I highly recommend reading her collection.