I recently received the following question during a consult with a writer interested in Monthly Mentorship: I’m forever setting writing deadlines to get my writing done, but I don’t feel like I’m writing with any deep perspective. It all feels so superficial. How can being my own best editor help?
An alternative to writing deadlines
In Monthly Mentorship we work together to apply thinking to language, finding synergy between the creative, generative bursts of early drafts and the structural, technical steps (that are also creative) in revision. So much of a writer’s work involves making invisible decisions to direct our imagination and skills toward greater impact. I give writers exercises and support materials to help them make the invisible decisions, visible, bringing consciousness to the most intimate part of their creative process. This empowers writers beyond measure!
Author Kelly Rothe shares her thoughts on how she’s integrated the tools from Monthly Mentorship into her writing life.
“Katey has been my writing mentor for three years. I am a completely different writer. In truth, I am a writer now. Before, I kept journals and had fun with free writes. I didn’t know I could learn tools for revision. I didn’t know about structure, drafting, or concision. I didn’t know about invisible decisions, or that labeling scene, backstory, flashback, exposition etc. could clarify what changes needed to happen for flow and impact. I didn’t know there was no such thing as writer’s block, rather, that creative mediation, art, and movement, were all I needed–not more sitting at the desk and forcing it. Write from the body, she taught me. Find all the paths to your desk, she taught me. This includes a walk, cooking, or gardening (three of my favorite things). The discovery in revision is thrilling. I am grateful for Katey’s attention, philosophy, and gentle accountability through Monthly Mentorship. She has allowed me a quantum leap in writing.”
If you have questions and are ready to think beyond writing deadlines, I offer pro bono consults to discuss your writing needs. Set up an appointment or go straight to the application.