W is for Winter. Winter is for Writing.
The wind ripped down Fork Mountain this evening, tossing branches like broken arms and sending leaves through the air like so many pieces of confetti. Chaos can be beautiful, and as we lean more and more into winter, I can feel the outdoors demanding my attention. Winter is the time I’m more apt to take longer walks in the woods. It is the time I’ll stop to see through the forest, because without the leaves, the light falls in glorious rays and the tree bark takes on this luminous gray tone I’m absolutely enamored with.
It is also the time of deep writing. After November 17th, I’m officially on seasonal layoff and that’s when I can devote myself full bore to writing. I can balance my time between the creative and the freelance more, and I’ll have four major grant and fellowship applications off my desk. The only trick will be making sure that the holidays and visitors and seasonal social events don’t suck up my time. I want to celebrate and enjoy company, but I also need to hibernate with my first love, words.