Too Much

You think for a moment that kissing is like caffeine. It is addictive. It heightens the senses. It causes circular thinking under the guise of a rational optimism. Like trying to make the perfect [...]

Here Goes!

Tomorrow I have 15 minutes in front of a panel of 10 administrators from Western North Carolina arts councils to prove that I can walk into any public school in this region and teach virtually [...]


[I can’t really write about the date. But it went well…] Dead-dog tired tonight and a 12-hour day tomorrow, then a residency interview to prepare for on Wednesday that I just found out about. The [...]

Small Stuff?

Your friend writes to remind not to sweat the small stuff. She says: “You have been really happy of late, being your single self, writing, hiking, singing, etc.—in that place of not needing a [...]

For Reals?

Hanshi said it. He used the word “purple” in conversation with me tonight. Purple is the belt after green, my current rank. I’d had it in mind that I would be honored to test for it sometime [...]

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