Writing Check:
No from Flash Fiction again.
No from Thieves’ Jargon.
No from Brick about my lyric essays from the MFA thesis, but Brick is no small potatoes, folks, and I got the most encouraging personal rejection yet: “…Although your work is quite engaging, we decided that it isn’t quite right for Brick. That being said, your piece was really intriguing and I’m sure you’ll find a good home for it. (One of our editors
specifically loved it, but we found it just a bit too personal for our magazine)…”
Yes from Verve for an arts essay.
Yes from The Flood Gallery to teach a nonfiction course this fall.
Yes from Perigee for my fiction submission, “On the Up and Up.” (I’ll post the link 7/15.)
Two major grants/fellowships are pending (NC Arts and Andy Warhol).
Two major writer-in-residency teaching positions are pending.
A few contests still await judging.
A stack of residency applications sit on my desk, to be completed depending on the above.
Dare I say I am feeling victorious!
Stats: 3 miles = 29 min 36 sec