Weather Report
“Today, I almost smelled the earth being warmed by the sun,” the filmmaker said.
“There will be another mass dumping of snow. You can count on it,” Leon Hammerhead said.
“It’s supposed to rain, which I hate, except for the fact that it will melt the snow,” Therese said.
“We only have 100 inches of snow right now. Last year we had almost 200 by this time. We not in the clear yet,” said Soft Eyes.
“If the shanties are still out, you can bet the ice will still hold,” said Copeland.
“Mildest winter in decades,” the weather report said.
“It was 12 degrees this morning,” the thermometer said.
“…and 37 by mid-afternoon,” the bank clock said.
“…and into single digits tonight,” the forecast said.