Where in the World is the Writer at Large?
I’ve been blogging here at The Writing Life since July 29, 2005 and even got interviewed for my 6th “blogiversary” recently on Praeterita. Consistency is the name of my game, which is why what I’m about to do startles even myself…
I’m going off the map for one week. Where will I be? What will I be writing, reading, learning, seeing? For a week, I’m not even telling most of my friends where I am. In this age of high-speed connectivity and constant access, I have to admit–it feels a little liberating.
I’ll re-emerge next Sunday full force and on location, with exciting adventures in the works. Meantime, if you enjoy reading The Writing Life for free, please consider supporting my three-year journey by subscribing to my Monthly Fiction service and learning about my other writing. Monthly Fiction is 12 stories (by me!) for 12 bucks over 12 months, delivered to your inbox in a lovely, spam-free format. It’ll make you smile each month and it’ll put $12 in my pocket, assisting me that much further along the journey.
See you on the flip side of Mystery Week!