It Takes a Village
I have an official You Tube Channel you can now subscribe to, which includes easy access to all the previous videos I’ve created from my three year travels. Last year’s Anchorage Fur Rondy Video has almost reached the 1,000 mark! My You Tube Channel is the best way to keep up with any videos, including a book trailer that is in works, and you can set your own You Tube settings to get news of new videos however you wish. It will not be a spam-creating adventure, I promise.
Love it or hate it, social media is a powerful tool for writers…especially us self-employed types. If you read The Writing Life and enjoy what you see here, please consider connecting with me on Facebook (Katey Schultz), Twitter, or Linked In (Katey Schultz). I use these three outlets for breaking news, quips or quotes, and timely links pertinent to literature and the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan. I also use these outlets to offer discounts on services and, soon enough, books. Find me there!
My “Offers” page has been updated with hand-printed broadsides from Flashes of War that are now for sale. I have about fifty of these and then they’re gone forever. They’re absolutely gorgeous and I can say that without feeling arrogant because I didn’t do the work. Other very talented, real, hands-on artists did. Many thanks to the students of Bradley University and Robert Rowe, the founder of Gold Quoin Press, for creating these works of art. It is an honor to see my work interpreted in this way. Check them out here, and if you order more than one I’ll refund the additional shipping fees after checkout, no sweat.
Also on that page is the link to receive The Writing Life blog in a bimonthly newsletter format, in case you don’t like checking websites everyday (like me!). The folks on this list are my most loyal fans and followers and they are also the first to get discounts and free offers. You can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time by using this link and following the confirmation email instructions. This is my core base. Please consider signing up!
Last but not least, my “Publications” page has been updated with a desciription of Flashes of War, contact info for my publicist and book tour manager, and very soon a link to a press kit. Scroll down that page and you’ll see a link for BITE: An Anthology of Flash Fiction that was over two years in the making. I edited this anthology and in the process got to interview and work with some of today’s most respected authors in the flash world.
Still here? If you are, you’re the best. It can make writers feel squirmy sometimes to stick their necks out like this and ask for help, but I’m doing it. It might take a village to bring this book into the hands of those who need to see it the most, but I believe it is possible. Every little link and click and share from you will absolutely make a difference. I’ve said it before and I’ll never get tired of saying it: Thank you for supporting The Writing Life. I absolutely wouldn’t be where I am today without all of you.