Off to #AWP2014
There are 15-20 different panels to choose from every hour for three solid days, and that’s no lunch breaks and with added en masse high-profile readings and on-stage interviews in the evenings. This is to say nothing of the twenty or thirty writers and friends I simply have to see, somehow, during 15 minutes shuffling between sessions across the convention center. Did I mention there’s no time to eat and that I’m allergic to have the planet? I’ve got Lara Alt Bars in my purse and I hand-carried hard-boiled eggs on the plane yesterday to get me through today’s breakfast. I even packed Starbucks Via instant coffee and my thermos. Those, plus my pen, my Levenger folio, some good friends, a free bed (shared with the many and roving equally exhausted and broke writers just trying to find a way to make ends meet), and I’m ready to go!
I’ve picked through the catalog and made my hard decisions about where to go, in some cases selecting several sessions because whether or not I can attend will depend on my energy level (Have I eaten that day? Did I sleep the night before or stay out with all the who-zits and what-zits?). Obviously, I’m most excited about the novel-related sessions and the war literature sessions. For the curious, here’s a more detailed peak at what I’ll be attending: My AWP Schedule, 2014.
Meantime, by the time this whirlwind boils down, I’ll be on a plane to Anchorage to start a week-long tour of Southcentral Alaska. The flyer is posted at right. Blog updates will be slightly limited and delayed due to having loads of fun!