The Writing Studio: …Is Now an AIRSTREAM Sovereign

Sometimes you pursue one thing and just as you put it into action, a
parallel path you’ve had your eye on all along suddenly converges with
your own. Abstract, I know, but it’s the only way I can describe the events of the past 24 hours. If someone told you: a) In three years you could have a little 16’x16′ cabin (no bathroom, no electricity) for $6k-$10k plus countless hours of your own family’s physical labor, OR b) Right now you could have a liveable 1970 Airstream Sovereign 31′ International Land Yacht (with a bathroom, furnace, hot water heater, fridge, air conditioner, two beds, storage space, a sofa, and a gas stove) for a fraction of the cost. And that the same trailer could be delivered some time next week and that you could live in it this spring if you didn’t get any residencies or this fall if you don’t get any fellowships. And that trailers of the same make and model typically sell for 3-4 times what you could get it for…
Which would you choose?
Yes, this week Dad and I felled and hauled the first tree on the land to
clear a spot for what we planned to be a 16’x16′ writing studio. Yes, I understand I don’t even live
anywhere right now and perhaps the writing studio is a key to “settling
down.” But still…today, Dad and I drove 70 miles to Canton, NC
and…well…we bought that AIRSTREAM and yes, that is going to be the new writing studio. Of course, my parents have talked about getting one for no less than thirty years. And of course, every time I come home Dad and I check the I Wanna classifieds for AIRSTREAM travel trailers. What can I say? The forces aligned. The deal is done. We’re moving ahead!
Here’s a tour of the AIRSTREAM as we saw it today–no smoky smell, no mouse poop, no stains, no peeling linoleum, no hideous wallpaper–and here’s to leaping into the adventure! We can’t wait to get it up the mountain, clean it, drink a little moonshine in it, and get started so we can plunk it down into the very same spot we staked out for the cabin.
The desk (above, right) folds out to double in size or collapses entirely for a broader living room space. And here’s the kind couple that we bought the AIRSTREAM from. We chatted with them for a while as they prepared a handwritten bill of sale in carbon copy:
And like all good AIRSTREAMS, it has it’s very own number: 4864
Showing 14 comments
  • AnnRMiller

    wow, life is good. in fact, you need that 'life is good' airstream tshirt now!

  • jim parlier

    Beautiful find! functional studio space and mobile, too!

  • Britt Kaufmann

    So very cool! Congrats home-owner.

  • Oma

    My sister and husband had one similar and made many happy memories as they traveled around the country…Looks like a comfortable little retreat for you!

  • Adrienne M. Grafton

    wow…this is AMAZING! I am soooo excited for you!

  • susie

    How fantastic! Congrats! How perfect–this way, you can still be living "on the road" without having to go anywhere!

  • Beth

    It's a beaut Katie. May many things more converge for you here. Mz. Lively

  • Beckie Elgin

    It's lovely! Looks like new. When I was coming back to Ashland from my most recent trip to NE Oregon I stopped at the Baker City Museum. They had a great display on Airstreams because Wally Byan, the guy who invented them, came from Baker City. There is quite a legacy behind those very cool travel trailers. Enjoy!

  • flowergal

    Rock on in Appalachia Katey! Maybe, if you're there this summer we can have a cup of tea.

  • Sara Vondrachek

    Isn't life grand? What a nice detour. Congrats!

  • Tom Bentley

    Katey, I've been using my '66 Globetrotter for an office for a couple of years now, though it doesn't move (needs some attention to go mobile). Here's my "ride":—write-in-an-airstream/

    I'd love to have the room you have, but the 'Trotter's pretty nice regardless.

    Have massive fun, Tom

  • dragon

    Awesome! Congrats!

  • My Wall Stories Blog

    Congratulations!! My husband was telling me all about this, I can't remember if he saw it on facebook or if he subscribes to your newsletter too. Anyway, I also wanted to say I think my favorite part about your blog is how much you appreciate things. Happy for you!

  • Jennifer McCollum

    Katey! How cool is this? Well, plan on driving on back to NC and visiting. Jenn

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