{Check out the updated videos linked on the left sidebar!} The end of my three-year journey two weeks ago occurred without much fanfare on this blog, as I was busy chronicling what I hope was a [...]
{Here it is, Ladies and Gents, the end of this saga of posts pertaining to the 2-year process of acceptances, rejections, close calls, agents, revisions, and a book contract. To review, check out [...]
{Read parts one and two and three from last week.} To recap briefly (and also correct some of my math from Monday’s post), all totalled I submitted stories from Flashes of War 61 times to [...]
{Read parts one and two from last week. Also note that I am retitling this series “First Book Contract” rather than “The End of the Road.”} To recap the journey from [...]
About the time I finished my third residency nearing the end of the first year of the tour, I felt I finally had a completed manuscript on my hands. This feeling was bolstered–however [...]
It was a bittersweet moment, but one I’ve been zeroing in on for quite some time: my last duties at Interlochen for the summer also meant the official end of three years on the road. On [...]
It seems so simple: people from all walks of life step into the classroom, talk a little bit about their experiences, and give this “writing thing” a go. But time and again I am [...]
Camp officially ended today and I’ve switched hats from Summer Arts Faculty to College of Creative Arts Faculty. It means exchanging one set of keys for another, switching meal plans, and [...]
They say the final step to truly learning something is when you can turn around and teach it to someone else. That philosophy, along with my cheesy obsession with mustaches, prompted me to devote [...]