Airstream Living: Video Tour

Here it is after much demand–a video tour of the 1970 Airstream Sovereign! I was going to wait to do this until we were finished, but the longer I live in the Airstream the more I realize it’s never finished. So here it is friends, inside and out! There will of course be more photos and videos along the way, especially as major improvements are made. I shot this video on a whim and didn’t edit it at all. Methinks I sound a bit tired on film…perhaps it’s the 18 wheelbarrows of gravel I filled, hauled, and spread yesterday and the 500 square-foot yard I leveled, raked, and seeded this morning. Alas, it’s all enjoyable work for body, mind, and spirit. The video follows, and beneath that is a priceless pic of Gus, the Airstream dog.

Showing 2 comments
  • JP

    The place really looks great! I hope you get the heater soon.

  • Buzz

    It's so you. I think it has more storage space than my house. May it be the birthplace of the next great American novel. Or novella. Enjoy!

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