Manipulating time. Increasing tension. Deepening character. These are all craft concepts writers are taught and that we study for years. But there’s nothing like actually applying that [...]
It’s no secret Maya Angelou came to Randolph College this semester. The TV crews and Police Department came that night, too, along with several thousand people and hundreds more who were [...]
With about 10 days of this fellowship left, I find myself reflecting a bit on my time here and how it compares to others I’ve experienced. The most immediate change I have felt has to do [...]
What sentences to do we keep when drafting new stories or essays and what sentences to do we ditch? It’s a deeply intangible and private process for each writer, and therefore difficult to [...]
I’ve had a few chances to connect with upperclassmen over the last week here at Randolph. One event was a mini-presentation and group discussion between myself, the arts faculty at the [...]
The nature of my schedule as Emerging Writer at Randolph has led to an interesting writing schedule. By lunchtime Thursday, I have no further obligations until Tuesday at noon. This effectively [...]
It lives! Ladies and gentlemen, the Advanced Reader Copies of Flashes of War are being sent to reviewers as we speak. Cross your fingers and toes for me, as this little pea makes its way into the [...]
Ok ok, I promise I’m done with the marketing slog for a while! I write what my life is, and there’s no denying that publishing a first book is forcing me into a business mindset [...]