Ladies and Gentlemen, drums please… Here’s a list of the top ten books I read in 2012, in no particular order: 1. For its wisdom, mastery, tone, and adventure: The Sea Runners by Ivan [...]
It’s an annual tradition, folks! Here’s a list of every book I read in 2012, and stay tuned for my top 10, listed next week on this blog. I didn’t make it to my hoped-for 52 [...]
First Airstream holiday tree. This year, my parents and I decided to “just do stockings” for our Christmas celebration. My parents aren’t especially religious and I’m Buddhist, but we’ve always [...]
It might seem like now I finally get to sit back and wait. I’ve hired a publicist. I’ve hired someone to manage my book tour. I just watch it all happen, right? Wrong. There are print campaigns [...]
I wanted to write a little more about my experience hiring a publicist, because I know there are lots of writers out there who find the world of book promoting and marketing as mysterious as I [...]
In the vein of my previous posts about getting a first book contract, and furthermore hiring a copyeditor…this week I reached the very exciting milestone of hiring my own publicist. Of [...]
I know I post twice-weekly on The Writing Life, but this here writer is down for the count. I do have updated links on my about page, however, if you’re looking for a sneak peak at war [...]
Not too many months ago, I had a 10-week residency at Prairie Center of the Arts in Peoria, IL. While there, we had an open studio night and Robert Rowe, a professor at nearby Bradley University [...]
In October, I discussed the benefits of using imitation to learn and inspire new material for our own writing projects. While I’m not following Hegi’s form as strictly as when I first [...]