As many of you know, ITF is my signature, 5-week, online flash form writing class that has been a tremendous source of joy and creativity for me, for seven years. This year, I cannot teach this [...]
It goes without saying that I wouldn’t be able to “geek out” about flash form writing every spring if I didn’t have the wonderful, curious, creative participants [...]
Into the Flash is filling up and in the process I’ve been talking with writers about the program, sharing flash resources, and offering recommendations. Here are a few of the most [...]
As the start date for my April Into the Flash course nears, I’m starting to wrap up this series of posts. But no discussion of flash would be complete without a nod to our friends across [...]
Between Panic & Desire by Dinty W. Moore is technically memoir, and it’s full of chapters that are flash length, as well as structures that break form and tradition. As detailed on [...]
Today I’m going to read from Desiree Cooper’s collection, Know the Mother, published by Wayne State University Press. There are so many strong moments in this book, but “Soft [...]
The Short Series are three anthologies that changed my understanding of what’s possible in creative nonfiction and flash form writing: In Brief: Short Takes on the Personal edited by Judith [...]
For today’s craft discussion, I want to share Meg Pokrass’ lovely flash piece, “Stranded Sea Mammals,” published in Jellyfish Review. If you don’t know Meg’s [...]
Ecstatic Cahoots by Stuart Dybek is a collection of 50 flash fiction stories that “target the friction between our need for ecstatic self-transcendence and our passionate longing for trust [...]
Bruce Holland Rogers may be a “well kept secret” in some circles, but as an Oregonian, I have known about him and his work for years. Today’s flash form craft lesson video [...]