Flash Craft in Desiree Cooper’s “Soft Landing”
Today I’m going to read from Desiree Cooper’s collection, Know the Mother, published by Wayne State University Press. There are so many strong moments in this book, but “Soft Landing” is one I find especially worth sharing when it comes to teaching writing, because it answers a lot of the following frequently asked questions: Can I write flash fiction or flash nonfiction in segments or a series? Can flash form writing use elements of magical realism? Is it “cheating” to use a dream in a story or piece of memoir?
Listen, watch, and enjoy this great writing by Desiree Cooper. And if you’re moved by my analysis, please consider joining my community of writers for this April’s INTO THE FLASH online class. Early bird pricing ends in just 4 days, or email me for a special pricing plan to meet your needs. Long form prose writers will learn how to pack their scenes with a punch, so their stories have emotional beats and complex pacing. Short form will prose writers play with concision, learn about what to leave in and what to leave out, and experiment with metaphor. And all writers in this course come away with tools, prompts, and craft concepts to use on their own when the class is finished.
*Note: Guess what? My life is busy. So is just about everyone’s. And because I don’t believe in Pinterest-perfect, or in inflating my online presence, this video is FULL of imperfections. Yep, I even get interrupted by a toddler, live and on camera. But guess what? If you’re like me, even though you get interrupted–you still have writing to do, you still have something to say, and you still believe in connecting with others on your own terms. So be it. If nothing else, it’s good for a laugh! (And is being shared with permission from the author.)