A bit of weatherstripping on the front door and utility panels of the Airstream. Hauling one more locust tree for a water bar. Replacing two windows. Digging the hitch out from the dirt to [...]
Of course after the reading and re-immersion to find my creative impulse again, I’m hit with a slough of questions. Like a stray raindrop that inexplicably lands on your forearm on a clear [...]
It’s been six weeks since I handed over the first 59 pages of my novel-in-progress to the big NYC agent and two weeks since I received their reply. They weren’t chomping at the bit to [...]
A few hours here, a few hours there. Another big push on the weekend. Finally, all the gravel is spread, the locust trees are cut and hauled to line the walkway, the lime/grass seed/straw are [...]
Here it is after much demand–a video tour of the 1970 Airstream Sovereign! I was going to wait to do this until we were finished, but the longer I live in the Airstream the more I realize [...]
Three weeks in and I can officially say that Airstream living is enjoyable, but it’s also continuously full of hard work, improvements, problem-solving, and small victories. Getting the [...]
I’ve been somewhat imbalanced in my break-up of time here with these slideshows, so today’s final images are epic, covering my travels from January 2011 through August 2012. (Click [...]
January 2010 felt more like an official kick-off to the tour because when I left for Michigan, I didn’t know when I would be coming home…and with any luck, I’d be able to stay [...]