It’s been an exciting week here on Racoon Ridge in the Airstream! On Monday, sixty broadsides of my war flash fictions arrived from Gold Quoin Press, a small publisher out of Peoria, [...]
Going back to good ol’ PAGE ONE! When I coach myself through writing and revising new material, and when I coach my students, the mantra is the same: read your work out loud. Then read it [...]
Even bloggers celebrate Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for this season, not the least of which is having a place to call home. Thanks for reading, liking, linking, following, [...]
I spent a lot of time last week thinking about what it means to really live some place. To commit to it. To invest in a landscape as you might invest in a life partner. For three years I [...]
When I was in grad school, I had the luxury of communicating with my advisors every month about my current craft concerns. At the time, I was focused on nonfiction; specifically, a series of [...]
My good ol’ AmeriCorps crewmembers! When I first moved to Western North Carolina 10 years ago, I came fresh off the trail. For ten months prior, I worked with a backcountry trail crew [...]
I have no clue who this is, but it’s how I feel sometimes. Thanks for letting me dweeb-out about process on The Writing Life Blog these past few weeks… I shifted gears this week in my [...]
For four days it was nothing but wind and wind and wind. Places just a few miles from here were hit with 20 inches of snow, much worse than the South Toe Valley’s measly few inches. But the [...]
Hear, hear good readers! There’s nothing like giving a public reading to make me feel certain I’ve moved back home. Juniper Bends Reading Series in Asheville is hosting an event for 5 [...]