Every day I fail and don’t fail. And there on the heels of FAIL is FLAIL, two words close enough to infect. What use is that kind of thinking? Ooph. Flip the narrative. Every day I try and don’t [...]
How much less can I do? How much less can I do? I repeat this to myself throughout the morning. Driving home after dropping River at Montessori, I don’t listen to an audiobook (which is like [...]
#schooldelay. I don’t panic. It’s truly handy to have a background as an educator. 120 minutes? No prob. I can structure that for a three-year-old with my eyes shut. We start the day and I make [...]
If there’s one thing I’ve heard repeated more than anything else—even before my son was born—it’s this: “They grow up so fast.” There are other versions of this saying…Time flies…It seems like [...]
Here in the mountains of NC, dog days of summer doesn’t really apply–at least in terms of oppressive heat. And while my Pacific Northwest roots mean I’ll never feel completely [...]
The title for this post is quoted from an article written by Lauren Smiley for theverge.com. As my son River gets closer and closer to his second birthday (this coming November), there’s a big [...]
I recently shared a snapshot on social media, depicting a moment in my life that involved cooking, writing, and mindful parenting. Later, I realized that what I shared is in the spirit of this [...]
Even more than “Is it going to be a boy, or girl?”, the question of creativity and motherhood came up in conversations during my 9 months of pregnancy and throughout what is now [...]
Although May in the high mountains of North Carolina has been perfectly spring-worthy and delightful, April came with 80 and 40 degree days, humidity, snow, and lack of rain. Most days, I carried [...]