On Saturday morning I head out for nine weeks of adventure in Alaska. Cold, dark, and snowy–yes–but also wild, quiet, and inspiring. I’m honored to begin my trip as [...]
I woke with a start this morning, thinking How could I forget?, realizing I failed to add Oregon author Craig Lesley to yesterday’s list of books read in 2011. So, for the record: 47. [...]
I’m packing and tidying here at my parent’s house in NC, prepping THE CLAW for it’s upcoming vacation (I’m flying–not driving–to Alaska) and getting my ducks [...]
If 2011 has been anything, it has been a year of twists and turns. One way to read that is literally: I drove over 10,000 non-commuter miles in my Volvo THE CLAW this year (crossing the Rockies [...]
Today was a moment of truth for The Beacon, our Airstream Sovereign we’re slowly but steadily turning into a writing studio. It’s no small wonder what one little univolt adaptor for $6.97 will [...]
Dad started an Airstream journal, keeping track of our expenses and repairs and listing questions or concerns as they arise. Of course, he knows a lot more about all of this than I do and [...]
It’s the little things, right? Today we got both front burners working on the gas stove! The rear burners work but we need to run to the hardware store for a small part first. I finished [...]
Hardly any of us Schultz’s slept a wink last night, eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new-to-us 1970 Airstream Sovereign. We hired Bobby DeCola of Burnsville, NC to do the tow and he sure [...]
In addition to documenting the AIRSTREAM saga, this week I’m promoting Monthly Fiction as a gift idea or general purchase to help support my writing life on the road. 12 stories written by [...]
Dad and I worked on tree number two this weekend, a standing, dead maple that folks usually call a “widowmaker” for its likeliness to fall at any moment and kill somebody. Hollowed [...]