Most readers of The Writing Life blog have met my 1989 Volvo station wagon, THE CLAW, before. But if you haven’t, here’s a write up that chronicles some of its journeys and [...]
They say that once you get the bug, you’ve got it for good. Indeed, the cultish obsession my parents and I have developed for Airstreams since we bought the 1970 Sovereign in December is [...]
I’m nearing the end of my stay here in NC and today Dad and I had to tie up some loose ends with the two-person jobs we started this month. Once I’m gone, Dad will be solo again with [...]
And so it goes…another day of trial and error, another day of small successes and frustrations. It’s all part of the deal, and nobody said this would be easy. At the end of the day, [...]
One frame off, seven to go… It sounds simple when the guys on the DIY instructional videos talk about it. Indeed, even to folks who aren’t that “handy,” the idea of [...]
I ventured on a two-day solo backpacking trip earlier this week and managed to get a walking tour of 7 summits in North Carolina’s Black Mountains on video. These are my backyard mountains, [...]
{I solo backpacked for 2 days this week and pre-scheduled some blog posts. Now I’m behind! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s video of snippets from 16 miles, including 9 mountain summits!}
Dad gets all the credit for this one, folks, and you may remember the before and during photos that revealed the true mess this Airstream’s bathroom floor used to be. No longer! Here [...]
Alas, Ladies and Gentlemen… The outcropping along Coon Ridge is officially cleared for the 1970 Airstream Sovereign! The trees have been felled, the rounds have been stacked, the brush has [...]
Sometimes, when the goin’ gets slow (and the chainsaw chokes on the ethanol in the gas mixture) the only thing to do is set everything else aside and focus on a task you can start and [...]