FAQ about Flash Fic/Nonfic Online Writing Course
Interested in joining fellow students from around the world in a flash form writing online course full of community and collaboration? If you’re wondering whether a live and online course is a good fit, read on. As a past participant noted,
“I was surprised how much my creativity increased and by how much I enjoyed writing time during the webinar, not to mention the ideas and confidence all of this generated. This was probably one of the best classes I have ever taken, and the online format was part of what made it so effective. There was enough face-to-face interaction, with plenty of time for exploration and reflection.” [Quote taken from an anyonmous, end-of-class, online survey]
I’m using PowerSchool Learning an online platform that hosts courses for instructors and learning institutions across the world. As much as I prefer teaching in person or engaging through long-term, one-on-one mentorships, I have to confess how much fun putting together an interactive class feels. I have tools at my fingertips that typically don’t come into play when I’m mentoring: videos, audio clips, screen casts, excerpts, quotes from conductors, digital distribution rights, slideshows, images of sculptures, and more…not to mention widgets. Weather? Twitter feed? World map? Slideshow? Polls? Yes, please!
What once seemed like a potential time-suck now seems like a well-meaning tool. These things do have an appropriate place in the online classroom and I can envision how they’ll connect my students and incite conversations across the wire. A widget alone can’t do that, but a widget with a teacher who puts something in context using a platform that encourages creative thought and considerate communication can.
Into the Flash is a live and online 5-week course. It serves as a training ground for slipping into the skins of your characters, celebrating compression, and uplifting metaphor. There is SO much more to this delightful genre than word count and my online course exposes you to tools to help writers in any genre master scene and learn how to make crucial decisions about what to leave in and what to leave out. This fun, online offering also comes with a healthy dose of community, critique, sample texts, and lectures. Into the Flash only runs in April and is open for Early Bird Registration $290.00 with limited seats available. Early bird registration ENDS March 23rd – make sure to reserve your spot today!