DAYS 6&7 #quietthechaos
Three things I need to do less of—Looking at my phone (normally not an issue for me), making lists of things to do, trying to anticipate needs for the near future (rather than meeting the current in-my-face-need of the present).
Three things I need to do more of—Hugging my husband for 20 seconds (seriously people…try it…it melts EVERYTHING away), legs up a wall, laughing out loud.
Three things I can let go of—I slid most of my business benchmarks by 2 months which is great, so now I need to remember to stop thinking about benchmarks on that old timeline. The notion of balance across the spectrum of a few days should be expanded to the spectrum of a full week, as in, not every day or even every 48 hours is going to be as balanced as I hope it will be, but over the course of a week if I can level out and my child can, too, then that’s pretty good. Karate practice. I can let it go. I’m not a quitter. I’ve played sports all my life, trained my body in some way ALL MY LIFE. But now, really, it’s ok…to let it go. And to care for my body in unstructured, unmeasured, untallied ways.
Three things I have permission to ignore—Every awesome free resource coming into my inbox right now (love you, peeps, but I’m stuffed). My phone after 8pm and before 10am; as in, turn it off. Yes, all the way off. I’ve done it two nights in a row and it feels awesome. And last but not least, refunds due to me from various institutions and airlines for 2 months of cancelled book tour events. I’ve done the paperwork. I’ve waited on hold. Forever. I’ve done what I can. And I’ll try again in a few weeks but for now—bleh.
What about you, my friends, writers, family, parents, neighbors? Gimme yo’ three things, any order. Imperfect comments welcome below…
#soothethesoul #amwriting #quarantine #covid_19 #letterwriting #keepbreathing #inittogether #communitycounts #keepthepeace #givewhatyoucan #writeordie #artmatters #mindfulparenting #mompreneur #authorlife #everydayheroes #campfirestories #livelit #literatureheals #artmatters #poetrysaveslives #strongertogether