Hiring an Editor to Critique Your Manuscript
It’s been an exciting month to formally launch my new Writer at Large Services and I’m happy to report that by using my existing contacts–current students, past students, and a few friends–that my Monthly Mentorship is successfully booked through December. New openings will arise in January. I’ve likewise been able to schedule several manuscript critiques with writers who have full-length works of memoir and fiction in various stages of revision. This post will be my last “direct pitch” for a while. I pride myself on providing free, compelling content about The Writing Life on this blog, but I’d be a fool if I didn’t occasionally use it to formally offer my services!
It may help to put some real-life smiles to all of this, by which I mean to say that most of the writers I work with are just like you–they care about writing good, clean, unique, literary stories and memoirs. Some will self-publish their work for family and close friends. Others will find agent representation and larger publishing contracts. All will improve their abilities to see the strengths and challenges in their own work, as well as more quickly find a path toward completion of their most coveted creative projects.
If you, members of your writing group, former students, or your colleagues are working on a full-length manuscript of short stories, memoir, or novel, please consider scheduling a manuscript critique with me. Writers who have worked with me have gone on to publish short stories, essays, and books as well as be accepted into MFA in Writing programs and have their work celebrated in video and audio formats.
Read more about my Monthly Mentorship here.
and the testimonials can be found here.
Thanks for checking out what I do and spreading the word!