Selling Books by My Friends
Tomorrow is Small Business Saturday and I’ll be heading to Asheville, NC to celebrate at the esteemed indy bookstore, Malaprop’s. These folks are nothing short of miraculous–with their hearts and their art in all the right places. I’ve been on hand with dozens of other regional authors for three years in a row now, celebrating Small Business Saturday by signing books and–most fun of all–selling books by my friends that Malaprop’s has asked each author to hand-pick. This year, I’ve asked Malaprop’s to stock The Geography of Water by Mary Emerick. I’ll be talking it up from 11am-12noon on Saturday–come join me!
Mary and I met in Wallow County in 2011 and shared hikes, pints, stories, and even a retreat down at Imnaha. She was also known to counsel me through a weak moment or two on my road-weary three-year adventures. Her novel writing is breathtakingly poetic, elevating the landscape to what it should be–a place of both refuge and wildness, of hope and fear. If you love adventure, if you love personal revelation, and if you love independent female characters, you will love The Geography of Water. (Bonus: You’ll also come away feeling like you’ve just been to Alaska.)
Author-friends whose work I have gotten to sell in the past via the Malaprop’s Small Business Saturday celebration include: Man Alive! by Mary Kay Zuravleff, The Long Walk by Brian Castner, and Temple of Air by Patrcia Ann McNair. I recommend all of these books as holiday gifts or simply as a little treat for yourself to read on the plane during any upcoming travels to see family. Soak it up!