Time to Celebrate!
It’s summer and I’m busy trying not to be busy. In other words, I’m taking care of important tasks that got set aside during my prime teaching season, and there’s nothing greater than celebrating the writing of others.
As I direct a week-long writing retreat at Interlochen Center for the Arts this week, it feels especially pertinent to give mention to the following private students of Maximum Impact, who have had recent publishing success with prose writing started from prompts they experienced in the Airstream Dispatches and Into the Flash online offerings.
Please read and celebrate the work of these writers below:
- “The Faceless” by Kelli Fitzpatrick, flash fiction, finalist at Fiction War
- “Toxic” by Bruce Makie, short story, Pithead Chapel (link forthcoming)
- “It’s All About the Right Key” by Riham Adly, flash fiction, Writing in a Women’s Voice (link forthcoming)
- “Last Word” by Jeff Burd, flash fiction, BULL Magazine
- “Cemetery Visits” by Susan Paproki, flash nonfiction, Star 82 Review (link forthcoming)
and many more, here.