Stand Up and Be Present

Not everyone has had the experience of being seen and understood by an audience of their peers, and that’s what this May’s experiment will be all about: I’m going to host another Hybrid Open-Mic. As award-winning short story writer Heather Clitheroe said after participating in January’s Hybrid Open-Mic:

“When I registered, I wasn’t sure about the value if I was an observer, but I think it was a meaningful experience because I wasn’t focused on reading–and I was reflecting on my writing (in fact, a story I am revising right now) as you spoke. I liked that a craft lesson theme organically emerged, but also that it wasn’t one you were creating as you gave feedback. As a listener it was a valuable thing to think about the types of moments and beats that I heard in the reading, and my reactions to it–and then to see how that compared to what you talked about when you gave feedback.”

What is it?

Have you ever wanted quick feedback on a piece of writing you feel is strong, but know needs a little more work before sending it out for publication? Have you ever heard another writer receive feedback, and nodded your head in agreement, taking away lessons you could apply to your own work? If this is you, you won’t want to miss this experiment.  The Hybrid Open-Mic will gently formalize the experience of sharing and receiving feedback, without the “pecking order” of a performance or the “high stakes” of a workshop. Approximately 6 readers will read their work out loud to a live audience, for 5-7 minutes each. Between readings, I’ll respond with light feedback and critique, all with an eye toward considerate, yet truly useful, next steps to aid you in revision.

How does it work? 
Step 1: Register for the webinar right now for $25 and mark your calendar for Saturday, May 11 at 1pm Eastern. Even if you can’t attend, you should still register so you can receive the recording–yours to access indefinitely. Plan on 60-90 minutes for our time together.

Step 2: Decide if you want to be a reader, or an audience member. If you want to be a reader, email me immediately after completing registration and I’ll send you instructions on how to prepare your writing sample for the open mic. The first six registrants to make this request will be our featured readers. If you want to be an audience member, you’re all set! Just wait for the email reminders from me and get ready to join live on the 11th (or watch later), and learn and cheer in support as we create this experiment together.

Step 3: Super motivated? Entice 2 writing friends who have never worked with me before to register for our Hybrid Open-Mic, and you get a free pass to the next event! Simply email me their names once they’ve signed up, and I’ll hook you up.

Registration is open now for the Saturday, May 11 Hybrid Open Mic, which will start at 1pm Eastern (and be recorded for anyone who wants to watch and learn, but has a schedule conflict). 

Showing 2 comments
  • Rebecca Carlson-Evans

    Hi Katey- the Hybrid Open Mike event sounds like fun. Is there a new date for 2020 or was it just part of the Year of Experiments? Hoping you will do it again!

    • Katey

      Ahh, thanks! Yep, it was just an experiment but there may be another one in the next 12 months!

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