Students are the Best Teachers
I’ve had a few chances to connect with upperclassmen over the last week here at Randolph. One event was a mini-presentation and group discussion between myself, the arts faculty at the [...]
I’ve had a few chances to connect with upperclassmen over the last week here at Randolph. One event was a mini-presentation and group discussion between myself, the arts faculty at the [...]
There’s no denying it. Writers need to be able to write on walls. We like to tack stuff up, smudge things out, organize and then rearrange notes. What kinds of notes? Bar napkins, scrap [...]
It’s an annual tradition, folks! Here’s a list of every book I read in 2012, and stay tuned for my top 10, listed next week on this blog. I didn’t make it to my hoped-for 52 [...]
I spent a lot of time last week thinking about what it means to really live some place. To commit to it. To invest in a landscape as you might invest in a life partner. For three years I [...]
I’ve been copying. That’s right. Borrowing another writer’s structure and trying to stuff it with my own words. Actually, I’ve been doing it all morning [...]
I’ve been somewhat imbalanced in my break-up of time here with these slideshows, so today’s final images are epic, covering my travels from January 2011 through August 2012. (Click [...]
{Read parts one and two from last week. Also note that I am retitling this series “First Book Contract” rather than “The End of the Road.”} To recap the journey from [...]
It was a bittersweet moment, but one I’ve been zeroing in on for quite some time: my last duties at Interlochen for the summer also meant the official end of three years on the road. On [...]
Most of my closest friends know that, if given another life and a different talent, I’d come back as a backup singer for a) Bob Dylan, b) Andrew Bird, or c) Josh Ritter. I say [...]
My first taste of Interlochen Center for the Arts occurred January, 2010 when I began my position as Writer-in-Residence for the Arts Academy. Little did I know it would lead to employment on the [...]